Misson Statement


Sunday, April 7, 2013

You Didn't Procreate That.

No Sir. I did not.

And thank God.

To balance it out I'll provide something you can curse God for; More of my Bullshit.

Summation of Progressive thinking as I understand it thus far (With my current understanding of the playbook):

  1. Create a Moral High Ground. - By creating, that is to say inventing/lying/writing fan-fiction, about an objective moral high ground, which is a proselytizing morality, Progressives take step one. It is moral, to make others moral. And I'm sorry my Secular Humanists, but I'm taking down your favorite Pinata for the moment and informing you that: irrespective of the specific tenants, I believe it would be safe to say that Christian proselytization has been relegated to the back of the bus in favor of the Cathedral's moral message. As a matter of fact, you're likely part of the problem, so sit up straight kiddies.
  2. Assume the moral high ground. -While in a perfect world people may create horrifically powerful weapons of mass destruction for purely academic purposes of self-acclimation and personal achievement, our world is far from perfect. As such, the creation of this dangerous weapon The Cathedral, was naturally proceeded by it's immediate implementation.  Now that the high ground has been invented and assumed, it is time to limit accessibility. 
  3. Control the Language of Morality. Morality is action interpreted and I'm sorry my friend, but you only read Vernacular, and the power's that be? Well...they're all writing in Latin.
  4. Constantly Move the Goal Posts for What is Moral. Any good system is designed to self-perpetuate. It is both administrator and custodian and middleman all at once, and the system which creates and perpetuates and calls itself Progressivism is very good. But not in a moral sense, I'll leave dictating morals to the experts. Digression concluded. By constantly changing, constantly moving, how can anyone possibly hope to analyze something's efficacy? Screw Vegas, if you want to see some impressive magicians, some true masters of misdirection, watch the Universities, watch the banks, watch the politicians. I promise you won't be disappointed. But look close, remember, it's what they do for a living.
  5. Vilify the Opposition. Political Rhetoric 101: A successful assault upon the three cornerstones of Ethos, Logos and Pathos ensures a structure cannot stand. I'm sorry I meant argument. And by "successful assault" I meant social sanctioned ad hominem: Or= U R a Nazi/Racist/Sexist/Fascist/any one of a million horrifically ill-defined modern permutations of HERETIC.
  6.  Become the Oppressed Emperor, the Powerless Superman: I hate sports movies. They're one dimensional male chick-flicks with all the intellectual and spiritual dividends of watching pornography  as opposed to engaging in real life sexual intercourse. Just go to a game if you really care that much. As far as I'm concerned, if you ever catch me watching one, it's to hear the speech. You know, the speech that rallies the team against insurmountable odds to a stunning (and totally unforeseen, I swear) victory over the morally reprehensible underhanded team of "winners". Mind you, the other team is almost always made up cloned adult versions of that kid who used to shoot spitballs at the back of your head all class only to ace every test and date the hottest girl in school (who you had a crush on). You know, that guy that doesn't exist. The speech against those guys? I like it because I happen to be human, and humans love an upset. For the love of God we keep track of records for the express purpose of shattering them. The Progressives? They're aware of this. That's right, they're in cahoots with the guys that write sports movies, we're all fucked. Progressives have won. Their victory is unequivocally complete and nearly invisible. And yet, they parade as the underdog. Why? Because everyone loves an upset. At this point you're trying to figure out how you could have missed it. After all wasn't it so obvious? You ordered a steak, they brought you tofu. When you pointed out they'd dropped the ball, they told you, "Sir, this is a steak." And you ate it. And it was the best Goddamned steak of your life. Except it wasn't steak. Friends, you're eating Tofu. Don't eat the Tofu.
Or if you prefer something more dramatic...