Misson Statement


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The American Divide/A Right-Wing Manifesto

The American Divide:

                When discussing the left/right dichotomy in all walks where that division is applicable: philosophy, politics, structures, there is often a predilection to demonize the opposition. This is not in many cases intentional. Between these two broad categories there exists a gulf of differences which reject compromise on very fundamental levels. Perhaps an alternative ideology will develop some day which could force a coalition between the two broad strokes, but it would likely be assimilated into one of the two existing camps. As it stands the two look at one another across the ideological chasm with unreserved antipathy and mistrust at best, and outright hate and terror at the worst.

                Which leads to the question of application. Structurally how do these two forces play out within the same society where interaction is forced by happenstance? Is it enough to create a mongrelized one-dimensional ideological horde out of the opposition because to do otherwise would be to disarm yourself against an enemy who has no such conniptions? No, it is not. There exists a way to further disarm your opponents, and it lies in the opposite direction: less aggression.

                The current problems we perceive in today's western societies are not in fact a result of one side or the other. They both have influence and exist in roughly equal parts, otherwise the polarization we see today could not exist as one side would exert its hegemony uncontested regardless of the protests levied by the other.  The problems are a resultant of internal incoherence.
                We can bandy about which sides ideological framework functions best when approached pragmatically (I myself am inclined to agree with the Right), but at the end of the day when our culture and society is viewed as a single unit, that is irrelevant. The major structural flaw, which results in all the others, is the inability to properly elect for ourselves a suitable leadership. That is not to say that members of the current leadership are wholly inept (though there is a case to be made), but rather we are not electing for ourselves, but for everyone else. Each side imposes its leadership on the other when the views held by each side are, as we've outlined above, incompatible.
                Every person has a right to choose a leadership for themselves, and agreement on that leadership is not always unanimous, but when the leadership chosen is so radically different from nearly a half of the other side's choice that it is viewed not as opposition but as living anathema, a line has been crossed. And this is the issue that must be faced. That we have two different cultures, different nations, living side by side and electing for one another leader's.
                Arguments over any form of separation and the resulting  possible failure of the other side are irrelevant. If you're convinced one side will fail, or whether it in fact WILL fail, does not matter. Then you will simply have ideological converts by experience. The crux of the issues facing us today remain the same: we are becoming too different to live together, we have divorced one another in all but practice. All that's left are the tears and the paperwork.

A Right-wing Manifesto:

                As an aside, there are some who believe that a conversion effort, a cultural proselytization is the way to achieve victory for their side. Yet these self same ideological ministers are the same who insist on  the two positions, left and right, stemming from fundamental differences in valuation. In which case it's not possible to convert some. I agree, that in today's society we observe that the left has made its move and exists in uncontested supremacy in the hearts and minds of the people resulting in a number of personages with right tendencies forced into the box of the left. This is evidence in the language, and how it is the ideologies of the left which dictate the language and its developments.  And I agree, that an effort should be set forth to reach these men, these lost souls whose hearts cry for one thing, but their minds and actions speak to another.

                But what next? You cannot destroy the opposition. They have the right to exist, and choose for themselves their leaders. Do we simply allow ourselves to win the coming culture war, and then let it slip away again as agents of opposition continue to exist within our borders? No. As I have said, we cannot kill them, restrict them, censor them...these are all antithetical to basic ideological premises on the right and to commit any of these acts would be treason against our own intentions.
                The only option is separation. Not immediately, not even soon (there is much work to be done in rebalancing the cultural equilibrium) but one day. It is that, or the inevitable regression, or worse...the co-opting of the right by ideological tyrants who would drive us to slaughter, both of ourselves and the left in one clean stroke. Do not allow the latter. It discredits our position. It destroys us by our own hands more completely than a thousand years of festering impatience against the left.

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